So yeah I guess I definitely did a bold attempt on my hair by bleaching it green. Well its not pure green as it was added with a little mixture of blue and it did turn out pretty NICE! Although the result did not meet up to my expectation but oh well my sister was kind enough to bleach my hair on Christmas Eve night.YEAH ON THE NIGHT of CHRISTMAS EVE. The process was definitely excruciating as my hair was behaving unruly or should I say that my hair was just being difficult. It took me about 3 hours to get my hair done.
This bleaching thing became so overrated in Malaysia and I could say that its pretty cool. Why did I even pick GREEN ? Well GREEN is totally not one of my favorite color and the idea of bleaching my hair green is gross. Why would I wanna go green GOSH! That idea was right before I bleached my hair and I'm glad that I did try. Credits to my sister for being such an obstinate woman GOD BLESS YOU. Still love her.
Well if you do wanna try bleaching your hair go ahead its definitely cool and just a reminder don't bleached the whole hair as it will cause permanent damage to your hair. Do moisturize the hair ends frequently to ensure that it won't be too dry. Well I uses coconut oil to moisturize my hair ends and its pretty good although the smell could be unbearable sometimes. You could even create a hair mask without spending lots on buying them. Only two ingredients are required honey and milk. A spoonful honey and a glass of milk. Mix the ingredients evenly. Soak your hair and leave them for 15 mins.
Well its up to you improvise on how you would like to moisturize your hair. Leave your comments below . Tell me how would you moisturize your hair and what color would you go for if you would wanna try bleaching. :)